

  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 北京市 大兴区 西红门镇 九龙社区 北京市大兴区西红门镇宏旭路1号
  • 姓名: 冯经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


    供应IBM P670 7040-671现货销售中

  • 所属行业:IT 服务器 服务器网卡
  • 发布日期:2024-10-11
  • 阅读量:232
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:九成新质保一年
  • 产品数量:8.00 个
  • 包装说明:九成新质保一年
  • 发货地址:北京丰台丰台  
  • 关键词:现货,,销售

    供应IBM P670 7040-671现货销售中详细内容

    Special Features for Machine Type 7040
    Special Features - Initial Orders
    (#5247) - 4-Way POWER4+ Processor with 128MB L3 Cache 
    (#7401) - 8-Way POWER4+ CUoD Processor with 128MB L3 Cache, 0-Way Active 
    Special Features - Plant and/or Field Installable
    (#2943) - 8-Port Asynchronous Adapter EIA-232/RS-422, PCI bus 
    (#2944) - 128-Port Asynchronous Controller, PCI bus 
    (#4962) - 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter II 
    (#6404) - Support Processor with Remote I/O Loop Attachment, Two Loops 
    (#6410) - Remote I/O Loop Adapter, Four Loop 
    (#6418) - Support Processor with Remote I/O-2 (RIO-2) Loop Attachment, Two Loops 
    (#6419) - Remote I/O-2 (RIO-2) Loop Adapter, Four Loop 
    (#2934) - Asynchronous Terminal/Printer Cable EIA-232 
    (#3155) - Diskette Drive Cable 
    (#3255) - Operator Panel Attachment Cable 
    (#4253) - SCSI-to-IDE Interface Bridge 
    (#8120) - Attachment Cable, Hardware Management Console to Host, 6-Meter 
    (#8121) - Attachment Cable, Hardware Management Console to Host, 15-Meter 
    (#8131) - 128-Port Asynchronous Controller Cable, 4.5 Meter 
    (#8132) - 128-Port Asynchronous Controller Cable, 23cm (9-Inch) 
    (#8133) - RJ-45 to DB-25 Converter Cable 
    (#8137) - Enhanced Remote Asynchronous Node 16-Port EIA-232 
    (#3627) - IBM P76/P77 Color Monitor, Business Black, Captured Cable 
    (#3628) - IBM P260/P275 Color Monitor, Business Black, and Cable 
    (#3637) - IBM T541H/L150p 15" TFT Color Monitors, Business Black, Captured Cable 
    (#3638) - IBM C220p 21-inch Color Monitor, Business Black, and Cable 
    (#3639) - IBM ThinkVision L170p Flat Panel Monitor 
    (#7316) - Hardware Management Console II, Black 
    (#8700) - Quiet Touch Keyboard - Business Black, US English, #103P 
    (#8740) - Quiet Touch Keyboard - Business Black, US English ISO9995, #103P 
    (#4181) - 8GB Memory Card, Inward Facing 
    (#4183) - 16GB Memory Card, Inward Facing 
    (#4188) - 32GB Memory Card, Inward Facing 
    (#4196) - 4GB Memory Card, Inward Facing 
    (#4468) - 64GB Memory Card, 633MHz, Inward Facing 
    (#4472) - 32GB Memory Card, 633MHz, Inward Facing 
    (#4480) - 4GB Memory Card, 567MHz, Inward Facing 
    (#4482) - 8GB Memory Card, 567MHz, Inward Facing 
    (#4484) - 16GB Memory Card, 567MHz, Inward Facing 
    (#4486) - 32GB Memory Card, 567MHz, Inward Facing 
    (#4488) - 64GB Memory Card, 567MHz, Inward Facing 
    (#7043) - 32GB 633MHz CUoD Memory Card, Inward Facing, 16GB Active 
    (#7050) - 16GB 567MHz CUoD Memory Card, Inward Facing, 8GB Active 
    (#7054) - 32GB 567MHz CUoD Memory Card, Inward Facing, 16GB Active 
    (#7060) - 4GB CUoD Memory Activation for Feature #7050 and #7051 
    (#7061) - 4GB CUoD Memory Activation for Feature #7054 and #7055 
    (#7064) - 4GB CUoD Memory Activation for Feature #7043 and #7045 
    (#6170) - Power Converter Assembly, Central Electronics Complex 
    (#6189) - DC Power Converter, CEC, Additional 
    (#6198) - Capacitor Book, Two Processor Modules 
    (#6161) - Cable Group, Power Controller to CEC and Fans 
    (#6162) - Interface Cable, Service Processor to Power Subsystem 
    (#6181) - Power Cable Group, CEC to Power Controller, First Processor Module 
    (#6182) - Power Cable Group, CEC to Power Controller, Second Processor Module 
    (#2623) - 4.7 GB SCSI-2 DVD-RAM Drive (Black Bezel) 
    (#2624) - 32X (Max) SCSI-2 CD-ROM Drive 
    (#2634) - 16X/48X(max) IDE DVD-ROM Drive 
    (#5752) - 4.7 GB SCSI DVD-RAM Drive 
    (#6120) - IBM 80/160 GB Internal Tape Drive with VXA Technology 
    (#6158) - 20/40GB 4mm Internal Tape Drive 
    (#5248) - 8-Way POWER4+ Processor with 128MB L3 Cache 
    (#5253) - 4-Way POWER4 Processor with 128 MB L3 Cache 
    (#5256) - 8-Way POWER4 Processor with 128 MB L3 Cache 
    (#5251) - Processor Clock Card, Programmable 
    (#7400) - 8-Way POWER4+ CUoD Processor with 128MB L3 Cache, 4-Way Active 
    (#7402) - 8-Way POWER4 CUoD Processor with 128MB L3 Cache, 4-Way Active 
    (#7410) - Two Processor Activation for CUoD Processor Feature #7400 
    (#7412) - Two Processor Activation for CUoD Processor Feature #7402 
    (#7420) - On/Off CoD 30-Day Two Processor Activation for Processor Feature #7400 
    (#7422) - On/Off CoD 30-Day Two Processor Activation for Processor Feature #7402 
    (#7425) - On/Off CoD 30-Day Two Processor Activation for Processor Feature #7405 
    (#7426) - On/Off CoD 30-Day Two Processor Activation for Processor Feature #7406 
    (#8692) - Media Drawer, Operator Panel, Diskette 
    (#9004) - Southern Hemisphere Designator for Monitors 
    我们的专业:提供HP9000 动能 安腾 AlphaServer 
    IBM RS6000 Power4 Power5 Power6系列
    SUN 小型机
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